I Got Next

The allure of street basketball has always enticed me, even in my hometown of Tokyo, but it’s only since I’ve come to New York that I started photographing the incredible characters and scenes that live within the fences of the court. It’s a place where people from all walks of life come together and unite by the love of the game.

For this work, I captured Tompkins Square Park and West 4th Street Courts.

I’ve always compared playing basketball to therapy. Stepping foot inside the court, I’m in a completely different world, free of the everyday grind. The sounds of the city are muted and I am perfectly present, so are the other hoopers. We ball, argue, connect, laugh, and for a couple hours, the guys become family. At the end, as the sun goes down, the chaos dissipates. We go our separate ways, to our separate lives. It’s strange how this orange object we call a “basketball” can bring so much unity and joy.

Sports have always been a part of my life. I wasn’t close with my father growing up, so as a kid I looked for inspirations of manhood and masculinity elsewhere. I remember being on the sidelines peering into athletic fields/courts, observing the hierarchy of dominance. I couldn’t wait to grow up and compete with men I aspired to be like.

Full article here.


I Do It For You